Vocational Services

Vocational service is a unique feature of Rotary membership.

Recognising that as leaders in their professions, Rotarians can influence ethical decision making;
  • use their expertise to help students, the unemployed, and other job seekers develop vocational skills;
  • celebrate achievement and excellence in vocational employment; and
  • provide support and encouragement to professional endeavour.
  1. Vocational Services Awards of the Rotary Club of Wahroonga

Every year, the Club seeks nominations from Members and business leaders for awards for special people in our area in the following vocational categories. Vocational Service Awards (as well as the Club’s Community Service Award) are presented to the successful nominees at the Club Vocational Teaching Awards Dinner and other awards presented at dedicated breakfast meetings.

 Pride of Workmanship Awards

Aim of the Pride of Workmanship Awards is to:
  • To promote Vocational Service.
  • To encourage Pride of Workmanship and personal performance in their vocation.
  • To provide employers with an opportunity to recognise employees who display the qualities worthy of an Award.
  • To encourage favourable employer/employee relationships and a sense of community pride in individual achievement.
Apprentice/Trainee Awards

Aim of the Apprentice and Trainee Award is to:
  • To highlight the importance of striving for excellence in one's vocation and to encourage and emphasise the importance of vocational training. 
 Quiet Achiever Award

Aim of the Quiet Achiever Award is to:
  • To recognise those that consistently go the extra mile in their job with a cooperative and positive attitude toward employer and client and who always strive to offer sensible solutions to problems and who are constructive and helpful, but who usually work within the system and who don’t seek out special consideration.
Rotary Club of Wahroonga Vocational Teaching Awards
The Vocational Services program of our Rotary Club aims to award outstanding teachers who have taken a leadership role in professional and community networks and who have supported the involvement of colleagues in external learning opportunities. This program has been specifically designed to support the National Professional Standards for Teachers (LEAD Teachers).
 Sydney Adventist Bill Leventhal Awards
An annual breakfast is organised in conjunction with the staff of the Sydney Adventist Hospital and awards exemplary vocational and pride of workmanship at the hospital.

  1. Other Annual Club Vocational Activities
World skills Australia
A range of speakers drawn from the Worldskills community from around the world
(Click on the logo below to learn more about World Skills Australia)
‘Four Way Test’ Speaking Competition for Secondary Schools
Involving students from year 10 students of invited local secondary schools, the aim of the competition is:
  1. To encourage and foster excellence in the art of public speaking.
  2. To develop the confidence and self-esteem of Year 10 students.
  3. To provide an opportunity for students to test their skills before an audience.
  4. To develop relationships between Rotary and schools.
  5. To promote the ideals of Rotary.
Several club meetings designated by high profile business people presenting perspectives on business ethics.
Vocational Training Team (VTT) Project
In collaboration with the Human Capital Committee of The American Chamber of Commerce in Australia (AmCham), the project aims to advance the feasibility of establishing a joint AmCham/Rotary pilot to incorporate the best components of the AmCham and VTT objectives and models with the ultimate aim of building a national, Australia wide program.
The VTT program develops selected young people at tertiary education stage or early in their business or institutional careers, to refine business, professional, managerial, ethical, technical and personal skills to give them and the companies and institutions they work a beneficial edge, such as may be offered by developing study tours to the USA, particularly areas of advanced manufacturing excellence. AmCham is exploring a mentor program for young people to return to work during our economic transition using retrenched and mature people, how to deal with culture change, copious data, workforce capability and simplification of work.
National Youth Science Forum
The National Youth Science Forum (NYSF) is a 12 day residential program for students entering year 12 who are passionate about science, technology, engineering and maths (STEM).

The NYSF program aims to show participants the wide variety of study and career options in STEM fields. https://www.nysf.edu.au/applying The Vocational Services Committee is in the position of being able to consider and endorse any EOI.
RYLA Program
In collaboration with the Youth Service Committee, the Vocational Services Committee is able to nominate a suitable candidate.
 Vocational Classification Talks
The Vocational Services Committee encourages the Club’s Program Director to schedule new Club members particularly to address regular club meetings with a presentation about their vocational employment.